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62 private links
Ce pain est énorme. Mais comme il est très bon, ce n'est pas bien grave.
Par contre, je n'aime pas trop la recette en volume. J'aurais du peser les éléments pour la prochaine fois s'il y en a une.
Je n'ai pas aimé l'ordre d'ajout des différents ingrédients. Il y a des endroits où la farine ne s'est pas mélangée correctement au niveau des noix. Je pense qu'il faille humecter les noix avant de mettre la farine.
- 6 to 7 cups (125 grams per cup) all-purpose flour
- ¼ cup sugar
- 2 teaspoons active dry yeast
- 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 1 cup raisins
- 1 cup chopped walnuts
- 3 cups cool water (70° to 75°)
- In a large bowl, whisk 6 cups flour, sugar, yeast, cinnamon and salt. Stir in raisins and walnuts; add water and enough remaining flour to form a moist, shaggy dough. Do not knead. Cover and let rise in a cool place until doubled, 7-8 hours.
- Preheat oven to 450°; place a Dutch oven with lid onto center rack and heat for at least 30 minutes. Once Dutch oven is heated, turn dough onto a generously floured surface. Using a metal scraper or spatula, quickly shape into a round loaf. Gently place on top of a piece of parchment.
- Using a sharp knife, make a slash (1/4 in. deep) across top of loaf. Using the parchment, immediately lower bread into heated Dutch oven. Cover; bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake until loaf is deep golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped, 20-30 minutes longer, partially covering if it is browning too much. Remove loaf from Dutch oven and cool completely on wire rack.