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Guide pour couper des moulures d'angles.
These two things are constant
- Set your miter saw to bevel (tilt) left at 33.9 degrees. (Your saw might say 33.8 — the .1 degree is not enough of a difference to matter.)
- Your crown molding always lays flat on the saw.
These two things will change depending on the cut you are making.
- Miter will change between right and left (but at the same setting of 31.6 degrees).
- Sometimes the bottom of the molding will rest against the fence. Sometimes it will be the top. (The bottom of the molding has the decorative profile.)
Outside Right
- TOP against fence
- RIGHT of blade
- Bevel LEFT at 33.9°
- Miter RIGHT at 31.6°
Outside Left
- BOTTOM against fence
- RIGHT of blade
- Bevel LEFT at 33.9°
- Miter LEFT at 31.6°
Inside Right
- BOTTOM against fence
- LEFT of blade
- Bevel LEFT at 33.9°
- Miter LEFT at 31.6°
Inside Left
- TOP against fence
- LEFT of blade
- Bevel LEFT at 33.9°
- Miter RIGHT at 31.6°