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- 3 packets Biscoff cookies
For the Filling
- ¼ cup Biscoff Cookie butter
- 2.5 cups Heavy whipping cream chilled straight from the fridge
- 16 oz Mascarpone cheese straight from the fridge (454g)
- 1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract
- ½ teaspoon Cinnamon
- 1.5 cups of sugar
- Pinch of salt
For Coffee mixture
- 1.5 cups water
- 3 tablespoons instant espresso or instant coffee, or just brew espresso and let it cool.
For Biscoff drizzle
- heavy cream
- coffee
- Biscoff Cookie butter
- Using a handheld electric or a stand mixer, beat mascarpone, Biscoff cookie butter, cinnamon, vanilla, salt, and sugar on a low speed until combined. Use beater attachment for this process. This should take a minute.
- Now switch to a balloon whisk and add cold heavy cream to the same bowl. Start beating it on a low speed for 2 minutes then increase the speed to medium. Scrape the side and the base of the bowl a few times in between.
- Whip until stiff peaks. That means the cream should hold well on the whisk upside down. This process should take 8-10 minutes. Do not overwhip as it will split and turn into butter. Transfer it in the fridge until use.
- Whisk heavy cream with Biscoff cookie butter over low heat and add freshly brewed espresso or cold brew. Mix well until a smooth, velvety liquid.
- Line pan with Biscoff brand cookies.
- Pour cooled espresso or cold brew over cookies to absorb the liquid. (You can also simply dip each cookie first before laying it down, if you prefer!)
- Pipe your eggless Tiramisu filling over the first layer of coffee soaked cookies. Use spatula to flatten this layer evenly.
- Add a layer of the cookie butter/coffee drizzle.
- Repeat a second layer of cookies. This time, ONLY dip each cookie into espresso or cold brew before laying it down. Do not pour liquid in for this layer.
- Repeat a second layer of the tiramisu filling. Make sure it's nice and level!
- Drizzle coffee/ cookie butter mixture over the top layer in any pattern you wish! Now, it's time for finishing touches!
- Sprinkle crushed Biscoff cookie crumbles and anything else edible that you want, within reason, of course!
- Keep this dish refrigerated at all times! Only remove from refrigeration when you are just about to serve!
NOTE You can add 3 tablespoons of your preferred alcohol like coffee liqueur, chocolate liqueur, Marsala, or rum to the coffee mixture before dipping the cookies.
C'est très bon. Mais je changerais quand même quelques petites choses pour que ça soit plus à mon goût :
- mettre plus de biscuits, soit doubler les épaisseurs, soit multiplier les couches de biscuits.
- mettre moins de café dans le « drizzle », je suis parti du café et j'ai ajouté les autres ingrédients. Je pense que ça serait mieux de faire l'inverse.
- utiliser de l'expresso plutôt que du café instantanné. Je suis pas mal sur que le goût sera meilleur.
- 1 litre de café fort
- 2 litres de lait
- 200 grammes de cacao sucré
- 1 pincée de cannelle moulue
- Mettre tous les ingrédients dans un contenant.
- Mettre le contenant au réfrigérateur pendant 1 nuit.
- Mélanger.
- Servir.
Malgré la recette, le résultat ne ressemble pas du tout à ce que j'ai bu sur place. Probablement des ingrédients trop différents. Ma réalisation ne goûtait pas le café mais plutôt le cacao.
Il va falloir y retourner pour étudier leur façon de faire :)
Ingredients for meringue
- ¾ cup sliced almonds, blanched-toasted
- ½ cup hazelnuts, toasted and skinned
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- ⅛ teaspoon salt
- 1 cup sugar
- 4 large egg whites, room temperature
- ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
Ingredients for buttercream
- ¾ cup whole milk
- 4 large egg yolks
- ⅓ cup sugar
- 1½ teaspoons cornstarch
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons Amaretto or 2 tablespoons water
- 1½ tablespoons instant espresso powder
- 16 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
Ingredients for ganache
- 6 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped fine
- ¾ cup heavy cream
- 2 teaspoons corn syrup
Ingredients for decoration
- 12 hazelnuts, toasted and skinned
- 1 cup sliced almonds, blanched-toasted
Instructions for the meringue
- Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 250 degrees. Using ruler and pencil, draw 13 by 10 1/2-inch rectangle on piece of parchment paper. Grease baking sheet and place parchment on it, ink side down.
- Process almonds, hazelnuts, cornstarch, and salt in food processor until nuts are finely ground, 15 to 20 seconds. Add 1/2 cup sugar and pulse to combine, 1 to 2 pulses.
- Using stand mixer fitted with whisk, whip egg whites and cream of tartar on medium-low speed until foamy, about 1 minute. Increase speed to medium-high and whip whites to soft, billowy mounds, about 1 minute. With mixer running at medium-high speed, slowly add remaining 1/2 cup sugar and continue to whip until glossy, stiff peaks form, 2 to 3 minutes. Fold nut mixture into egg whites in 2 batches. With offset spatula, spread meringue evenly into 13 by 10 1/2-inch rectangle on parchment, using lines on parchment as guide. Using spray bottle, evenly mist surface of meringue with water until glistening. Bake for 1 1/2 hours. Turn off oven and allow meringue to cool in oven for 1 1/2 hours. (Do not open oven during baking and cooling.) Remove from oven and let cool to room temperature, about 10 minutes. (Cooled meringue can be kept at room temperature, tightly wrapped in plastic wrap, for up to 2 days.).
Instructions for the buttercream
- Heat milk in small saucepan over medium heat until just simmering. Meanwhile, whisk yolks, sugar, cornstarch, and salt in bowl until smooth. Remove milk from heat and, whisking constantly, add half of milk to yolk mixture to temper. Whisking constantly, return tempered yolk mixture to remaining milk in saucepan. Return saucepan to medium heat and cook, whisking constantly, until mixture is bubbling and thickens to consistency of warm pudding, 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer pastry cream to bowl. Cover and refrigerate until set, at least 2 hours or up to 24 hours. Before using, warm gently to room temperature in microwave at 50 percent power, stirring every 10 seconds.
- Stir together amaretto and espresso powder; set aside. Using stand mixer fitted with paddle, beat butter at medium speed until smooth and light, 3 to 4 minutes. Add pastry cream in 3 batches, beating for 30 seconds after each addition. Add amaretto mixture and continue to beat until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes longer, scraping down bowl thoroughly halfway through mixing.
Instructions for the ganache
- Place chocolate in heatproof bowl. Bring cream and corn syrup to simmer in small saucepan over medium heat. Pour cream mixture over chocolate and let stand for 1 minute. Stir mixture until smooth. Set aside to cool until chocolate mounds slightly when dripped from spoon, about 5 minutes.
Instructions for montage
- Carefully invert meringue and peel off parchment. Reinvert meringue and place on cutting board. Using serrated knife and gentle, repeated scoring motion, trim edges of meringue to form 12 by 10-inch rectangle. Discard trimmings. With long side of rectangle parallel to counter, use ruler to mark both long edges of meringue at 3-inch intervals. Using serrated knife, score surface of meringue by drawing knife toward you from mark on top edge to corresponding mark on bottom edge. Repeat scoring until meringue is fully cut through. Repeat until you have four 10 by 3-inch rectangles. (If any meringues break during cutting, use them as middle layers.).
- Place 3 rectangles on wire rack set in rimmed baking sheet. Using offset spatula, spread 1/4 cup ganache evenly over surface of each meringue. Refrigerate until ganache is firm, about 15 minutes. Set aside remaining ganache.
- Using offset spatula, spread top of remaining rectangle with 1/2 cup buttercream; place on wire rack with ganache-coated meringues. Invert 1 ganache-coated meringue, place on top of buttercream, and press gently to level. Repeat, spreading meringue with 1/2 cup buttercream and topping with inverted ganache-coated meringue. Spread top with buttercream. Invert final ganache-coated strip on top of cake. Use 1 hand to steady top of cake and spread half of remaining buttercream to lightly coat sides of cake, then use remaining buttercream to coat top of cake. Smooth until cake resembles box. Refrigerate until buttercream is firm, about 2 hours. (Once buttercream is firm, assembled cake may be wrapped tightly in plastic and refrigerated for up to 2 days.).
- Warm remaining ganache in heatproof bowl set over barely simmering water, stirring occasionally, until mixture is very fluid but not hot. Keeping assembled cake on wire rack, pour ganache over top of cake. Using offset spatula, spread ganache in thin, even layer over top of cake, letting excess flow down sides. Spread ganache over sides in thin layer (top must be completely covered, but some small gaps on sides are OK).
- Garnish top of cake with hazelnuts. Holding bottom of cake with 1 hand, gently press almonds onto sides with other hand. Chill on wire rack, uncovered, for at least 3 hours or up to 12 hours. Transfer to platter. Cut into slices with sharp knife that has been dipped in hot water and wiped dry before each slice. Serve.
C'était très bon. À refaire.
Petites remarques sur la réalisation :
- le temps de cuisson de la meringue semble un peu long et donne une meringue sèche. Mais comme elle est assemblée avec des éléments humides, ça ne gène pas du tout.
- pour la crème au beurre, il faut que le beurre soit à température ambiante (≈21°C), en dessous de ça, elle ne se mélange pas à la crème pâtissière.
- pour réchauffer la ganache pour le dessus du gâteau, il faut la mettre à feu très doux pour que le gras ne se sépare pas.
Je pense que je fais quelque chose de similaire mais il faudrait que je teste cette méthode.
Edit 1 : après avoir goûté ça dans un restaurant Vietnamien de Montréal, je me dis qu'il faut faire les choses correctement pour que ça soit aussi bon.
Il faut :
- du café vietnamien dont le terroir confère une saveur de chocolat (vietnamese ground coffee)
- une cafetière vietnamienne (vietnamese coffee filter)
J'ai trouvé aussi un lien qui mentionne tout ça mais en français.
Edit 2 : après avoir fait ça à la maison avec du café vietnamien mais sans cafetière dédiée, le résultat est assez probant. Je ne suis pas sur d'investir dans la cafetière.
Une crème glacée avec un soupçon de liqueur de café. Ça doit être bien.
1 ¼ cups (300 milliliters) heavy or double cream, well-chilled
⅔ cup (175 grams) sweetened condensed milk
2 tablespoons instant espresso powder
2 tablespoons espresso liqueur
- Whisk all the ingredients together just until the whisk leaves trails of soft peaks in the bowl, and you have a gorgeous, caffe-latte-colored airy mixture.
- Fill two 500-milliliter or two 1-pint airtight containers, and freeze for 6 hours or overnight. Serve straight from the freezer.
À tester pour voir si j'aime ce type de café.
Edit : c'est bon. Mais j'en ferais pas souvent !