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Why the first tikz element is a bit off?

I've made a sheet of label using tikz. I am pretty happy about it but there is something that bothers me. The first row of label is a little bit of to the right compared to other rows and I don't know why.

Here is the code:

\setmainfont{Sketch Nothing}
        % Outside of the label
        \node[text width=7cm, text height=3cm](myLabel) {};
        \draw[line width=1pt,line cap=rect,lightgray] (myLabel.north west) -| (myLabel.south east) -| (myLabel.north west) -- cycle;
        % Text
        \node[anchor=east,font=\fontsize{12}{16}\selectfont,align=center,darkgray] at ([xshift=-0.25cm,yshift=-2.75cm]myLabel.north east) {\year};
    \myLabel{#1} \myLabel{#1}
    \def \year{2017}
    \myLabel{Sureau} \myLabel{Cerise}
    \myLabelRow{Tomate\\ verte}
    \myLabelRow{Tomate\\ verte}
    \myLabelRow{Rhubarbe\\ Fraise}
    \myLabelRow{Rhubarbe\\ Fraise}
    \myLabel{Rhubarbe\\ Fraise} \myLabel{Prunelle}

Pay attention to the empty spaces inside your command definitions. If you remove them or suppress them with % comment markers, it works:

        % Outside of the label
        \node[text width=7cm, text height=3cm](myLabel) {};
        \draw[line width=1pt,line cap=rect,lightgray] (myLabel.north west) -| (myLabel.south east) -| (myLabel.north west) -- cycle;
        % Text
        \node[anchor=east,font=\fontsize{12}{16}\selectfont,align=center,darkgray] at ([xshift=-0.25cm,yshift=-2.75cm]myLabel.north east) {\year};
\newcommand\myLabelRow[1]{\myLabel{#1} \myLabel{#1}}
pele_mele/stack_exchange/tex_latex/391569.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/11/23 04:02 de alexis