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Why is there a padding only on the first row of a repeating pattern?

I've made a page of labels and I don't understand why the first line is rendered in a different way as the others.

The first line is not align the same way and the \vspace* following it doesn't have the expected effect.

Here is my code:

        % Text
        \node[font=\fontsize{32}{35}\selectfont,align=center,text width=11cm](myLabel) {\myTitle};
        % Outside of the label
        \draw[line width=1pt,line cap=rect,lightgray] ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=10pt]myLabel.north west) -| ([xshift=10pt,yshift=-10pt]myLabel.south east) -| ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=-10pt]myLabel.north west) -- cycle;
        % Decoration
        \draw[line width=1pt,line cap=rect,lightgray] (myLabel.north west) -| (myLabel.south east) -| (myLabel.north west) -- cycle;
        % Decoration in corners
        \node[anchor=north west,font=\color{gray}] at ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=10pt]myLabel.north west){\pgfornament[width=1cm]{31}};
        \node[anchor=north east,font=\color{gray}] at ([xshift=10pt,yshift=10pt]myLabel.north east){\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=v]{31}};
        \node[anchor=south west,font=\color{gray}] at ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=-10pt]myLabel.south west){\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=h]{31}};
        \node[anchor=south east,font=\color{gray}] at ([xshift=10pt,yshift=-10pt]myLabel.south east){\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=c]{31}};
    \def \myTitle {my label content}
    \myLabel \myLabel \\
    \myLabel \myLabel \\
    \myLabel \myLabel \\
    \myLabel \myLabel \\
    \myLabel \myLabel \\
    \myLabel \myLabel \\
    \myLabel \myLabel \\
    \myLabel \myLabel \\

The horizontal misalignment was due to first line being indented. To fix the issue with the vertical space: don't use \\ if you want a line break.

        % Text
        \node[font=\fontsize{32}{35}\selectfont,align=center,text width=11cm](myLabel) {\myTitle};%
        % Outside of the label
        \draw[line width=1pt,line cap=rect,lightgray] ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=10pt]myLabel.north west) -| ([xshift=10pt,yshift=-10pt]myLabel.south east) -| ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=-10pt]myLabel.north west) -- cycle;%
        % Decoration
        \draw[line width=1pt,line cap=rect,lightgray] (myLabel.north west) -| (myLabel.south east) -| (myLabel.north west) -- cycle;%
        % Decoration in corners
        \node[anchor=north west,font=\color{gray}] at ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=10pt]myLabel.north west){\pgfornament[width=1cm]{31}};%
        \node[anchor=north east,font=\color{gray}] at ([xshift=10pt,yshift=10pt]myLabel.north east){\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=v]{31}};%
        \node[anchor=south west,font=\color{gray}] at ([xshift=-10pt,yshift=-10pt]myLabel.south west){\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=h]{31}};%
        \node[anchor=south east,font=\color{gray}] at ([xshift=10pt,yshift=-10pt]myLabel.south east){\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=c]{31}};%
    \def\myTitle{my label content}%
        \myLabel \myLabel 
    \myLabel \myLabel 
    \myLabel \myLabel 
    \myLabel \myLabel 
    \myLabel \myLabel 
    \myLabel \myLabel 
    \myLabel \myLabel 
    \myLabel \myLabel 

pele_mele/stack_exchange/tex_latex/374734.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/11/23 04:02 de alexis