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Can I ferment blanched cabbage?

I've blanched some cabbage and I wonder if I can ferment it in order to have sauerkraut. Will it work? Will it be safe?

Edit I followed the recommendations and added some raw vegetables and a little bit more salt than usual. The fermentation process was fine and the end product was delicious. Note for future me, don't blanch cabbage for sauerkraut :) . It's less troubles.

That should work and be safe. The one thing I'd worry about is that blanching may have reduced the amount of lactic acid bacteria available for fermentation; that might delay fermentation, or even encourage the growth of unwanted microorganisms. If possible, I'd suggest mixing the blanched cabbage with a small amount of raw cabbage (or any raw vegetable, really) before salting and packing the sauerkraut, and keeping the salt content near the higher end of the range for sauerkraut.

Probably, two considerations; Depending on how much you cooked it and how you drain it it may mess-up the salt balance. And, I started my kruat with a little bakers yeast and sugar so did not rely on natural yeast , because you have killed the natural yeast you may need something to start it. I understand that the yeast produce lactic acid in homemade while commercial kraut has added acetic acid.

pele_mele/stack_exchange/seasoned_advice/102288.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/11/23 04:02 de alexis